
Terms for delivery of creative content from Nordic Branding GmbH

Stand: Januar 2023


1. All Rates do not include expenses connected to the job, such as purchasing of photos, model fees, accessories, transport costs, freight, postage and daily allowances for assignments longer than four hours.

2. With the full payment the costumer acquires, if not otherwise agreed, the non-exclusive rights for the use and utilization of the produced product unlimited in time, space and content. Copyrights to Nordic Branding GmbH or third parties for any copyrightable services remain by law unaffected.

3. Please note that any rights of depicted persons or objects for PR and/or advertisement has to be obtained directly by the holders of these rights before publishing of the material.

4. Please note that all digital storage may only be done in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations and that any rights of depicted persons or objects has to be obtained directly by the holders of these rights before the material is stored.

5. Nordic Branding GmbH will alert the costumer to any legal concerns regarding the implementation of projects, the use of a trademarks or logos or slogans, etc., to the extent that such concerns are known. However, it is not the task of Nordic Branding GmbH to examine legal issues, in the field of industrial property rights, competition law and copyright law. The risk of legal admissibility of a measure is borne by the customer.

6. In the production of information media, e.g. Press releases, information letters etc., Nordic Branding GmbH is under no obligation to check the accuracy of the information provided by the customer about its products, the company or its distribution channels. If the customer’s information proves to be incorrect and if the results is a disadvantage for the customer or if the PR target is missed, Nordic Branding GmbH is not responsible for this. The liability of Nordic Branding GmbH is likewise excluded if the costumer has checked the information provided by Nordic Branding GmbH for their factual accuracy and towards Nordic Branding GmbH released it.

7. All footage, text and/or photos delivered are covered by German Laws of Intellectual Property Rights with the copyright belonging to the author and/or the photographer.

8. When publishing the footage, text and/or photos, it must be by-lined with the name of the author and Nordic Branding GmbH (Photo: Photographer/ Nordic Branding GmbH).

9. Nordic Branding may use the customer as a future reference if not otherwise agreed.

10. The user accepts all liability and legal consequences in the commercial use of Nordic Branding GmbH´s material such as footage, text and/or photos. Nordic Branding GmbH´s material are sold on the basis that the user accepts full responsibility for any claims from persons or objects depicted in the material and consequently accepts the responsibility for obtaining permission and the rights to publish the material and to meet all legal costs.

11. All prices are exclusive VAT. Payments must be made within fifteen days after date of invoice. An extra two per cent or a minimum charge of Euro 15,00 for administration, postage and interest are to be added to the bill for late payments at the start of each month.


Nordic Branding GmbH

Anklamer Str. 5

D-10115 Berlin


Email: content@nordic-branding.com

Geschäftsführer Tine Bredo & Christian T. Jørgensen

Amtsgericht Charlottenburg – HRB 231137 B

USt-Id-Nr.: DE344537840

Nordic Branding

Nordic Branding ist Ihre Agentur für cross-border Kommunikation und Marktbegleitung


Copyright 2025 - Nordic Branding

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